MS war

I would like to keep this post as purely MS related ranting then people can read or avoid as they like . You have been warned. The MS war. I have started to do a set of exercises to help with my strength and balance which is pretty shocking at the moment. I have a new neuro physio who seems pretty good. So I start with just standing for 1… Read More »MS war

Life and Hope

This is a bit heavy so I have kept it to myself for a while. Having a serious illness has made me think a great deal about life and it’s ups and downs as I am sure many people with disabilities have found . Recently my father past away .He didn’t have a religious ceremony and I feel that when my time comes I would like the same. He was… Read More »Life and Hope

Painting ,Travel and Fitness.

I started painting this morning and although results are not brilliant I really enjoyed it. I used acrylic, however I am still not sure if I want to go back to oil . Acrylic dries quickly and is water based so easier to deal with but there is something about painting with oil that is more satisfying . Maybe I will do the same exercise but with oil and compare… Read More »Painting ,Travel and Fitness.

Regarding Dreams

I have been having a few different sets of dreams over the last few years. When I first had my bad relapse which stopped me running and also slowed down my walking I used to have dreams where I could run again. Then my MS got worse and I had dreams where I could walk normally again. Now, after some years I have dreams where I can’t walk very well… Read More »Regarding Dreams

Getting up again

Ok, So this morning I am going into town , taking my powered wheelchair, camera (Nikon Z6 ii) and get around and about. Get my hair cut. It’s often a good feeling 24 hrs later and I feel good about things again and optimistic. It’s a bit of a dull day, so not great for photography but I will give it a go. We are off to France in a… Read More »Getting up again

Falling at the first hurdle

New post which I will keep private for a bit. I am having a sit down after walking around the fields. Felt ok-ish this morning but as I was walking up hill on the far side of the fields, I over balanced and fell backwards . I hit my head on the ground so a bit dizzy and it’s difficult to get up off the floor. I carried on and… Read More »Falling at the first hurdle

A changed viewpoint.

The thing about having a disease which puts you in a wheelchair most of the time is that your perception , view and scope changes. This is not always a bad thing because you sometimes see things that other people don’t . I had real problems mentally getting a wheelchair but in the end I got something quite special. I was struggling to walk any distance and it’s always painful.… Read More »A changed viewpoint.

Post heatwave

A new post . The weather has cooled down a bit now , so I am a bit more mobile. Hot weather affects my MS it was in the late 30s at times . Pretty awful . I did a circuit (using two sticks) of the field which I haven’t attempted for a while so I found it pretty exhausting. I have to keep doing it or I will get… Read More »Post heatwave

Get this out of the way First !

This is my first real post on my website. I have spent some time learning how to set all this up and I am starting to get the hang of it. So here goes. Why write a blog ? Well I guess some of my background may help answer that. I was married for over 20 years and we have two daughters , all was well when my wife became… Read More »Get this out of the way First !


I am going to make this post mainly about art and painting with some photography. It’s Feb 2023 and I have not done any painting recently so I must get on with it but there are some difficulties to overcome . It will be worth it in the end . I will carry on with acrylic paint. I have some problems with the space where I do my painting so… Read More »Artwork